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Rane RPM 44 Programmable Multiprocessor



Vocopro AVC-800 Automatic Volume Control With Sonic Enhancer

Vocopro AVC-800 Automatic Volume Control With Sonic Enhancer
Manufacturer's Code:AVC800

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The AVC-800 automatically detects and adjusts the output level of the music so the KJ/DJ does not have to adjust the volume with every song. With separate adjustments for high and low frequencies, the easy-to-use Sonic Enhancer lets you improve the tonal quality of your music. Now you can enjoy precise control over any mix. The result is a rich, vibrant sound that will take any event to the next level.


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Author: Visitor 19.04.2013
Γ ΒΆβ€’Γ ΒΆΕ‘ ࢴࢧࢱ් ࢅࢻࢱ් ࢭිࢺà·ℒࢱ්ࢱà·ℒ Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·β„’Γ Β·β€žΓ Β·β„’Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ ΒΆΒΊΓ Β·β€™..In Chaucer\'s Canterbury Tales (1392), the Nun\'s Priest\'s Tale is set Syn March bigan thritty dayes and two. Chaucer loprabby meant 32 days after March, i.e. May 2, the anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia, which took place in 1381. However, readers apparently misunderstood this line to mean March 32, i.e April 1. In Chaucer\'s tale, the vain cock Chauntecler is tricked by a fox.In 1508, a French poet referred to a poisson dÒ€ℒavril (April fool, literally April fish ), a possible reference to the holiday. In 1539, Flemish poet Eduard de Dene wrote of a nobleman who sent his servants on foolish errands on April 1. In 1686, John Aubrey referred to the holiday as Fooles holy day , the first British reference. On April 1, 1698, several people were tricked into going to the Tower of London to see the Lions washed. The name April Fools echoes that of the Feast of Fools, a Medieval holiday held on December 28.In the Middle Ages, New Year\'s Day was celebrated on March 25 in most European towns. In some areas of France, New Year\'s was a week-long holiday ending on April 1. So it is possible that April Fools originated because those who celebrated on January 1 made fun of those who celebrated on other dates. The use of January 1 as New Year\'s Day was common in France by the mid-sixteenth century, and this date was adopted officially in 1564 by the Edict of Roussillon.In the eighteenth century the festival was often posited as going back to the time of Noah. According to an English newspaper article published in 1789, the day had its origin when Noah sent his dove off too early, before the waters had receded; he did this on the first day of the Hebrew month that corresponds with April.࢔ࢺ ࢸ࢜ුࢽ Γ ΒΆΒ½Γ ΒΆβ€šΓ ΒΆΕ‘Γ Β·ΒΓ Β·β‚¬Γ ΒΆΒ§ ࢜ැࢽࢴà·ℒࢱවࢯ Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·Ε  Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ ΒΆΒΈ Γ ΒΆΒ―Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·Ε Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·β„’ Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·β€˜. ࢒ ࢋࢱාࢧ ࢔ࢺ ࢯවස Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·β€ž à¢őࢻࢯࢻ ࢯවසà¢őà·Š.Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·Ε‘ ࢅවුࢻුࢯ්ࢯà·ℒ Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·Ε  à¢őවුࢻුࢭ් ࢸාව ࢻවࢧ්ࢧࢱ්ࢱ ࢆවà·ℒ Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·β€˜. ࢒ ࢋࢱාࢧ ࢔ࢺ ࢯවසࢧ à¢őාࢧවࢭ් Γ ΒΆβ€ Γ ΒΆΒ»Γ ΒΆβ€šΓ ΒΆΒ Γ Β·β€™Γ ΒΆΒΊΓ ΒΆΕ‘Γ Β·Ε  à¢őිࢺࢱ්ࢱࢭ් Γ ΒΆΒΆΓ Β·β€˜. ࢴࢽࢺࢱ් Γ ΒΆΒΊΓ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·Ε Γ ΒΆΒ± ࢢොࢻු à¢őිࢺࢱ් ࢱැࢭුව à¢őිࢺࢱවා. ࢅࢱ්ࢭිࢸࢧ ࢯිවුࢻࢱ්ࢱࢭ් à·€à·ℒࢱව ࢒à¢ő à¢‑ࢭ්ࢭà¢őà·Š à¢őිࢺࢽ ࢔ࢴ්ࢴු à¢őࢻࢱ්ࢱ. à¢‑ࢭ්ࢭà¢őà·Š à¢őිව්වࢭ් à¢őවුࢻුවࢭ් විශ්වාස à¢őࢻࢱ්ࢱà·ℒ Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·β€˜. ࢅࢴà·ő Γ ΒΆΕ“Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·Ε‘ ࢉස්සࢻ Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ ΒΆΒ½Γ ΒΆΕ“Γ Β·β„’Γ ΒΆΒΊΓ ΒΆΕ‘Γ Β·Ε  à·€à·ℒࢽා ࢭිࢺà·ℒࢱව ࢅࢴ්Ҁà¢»à·’ࢺà·ℒࢽ් 1 à·€à·ℒࢱිࢯ ࢯවසà¢ő, ࢅࢱ්ࢭිࢸࢧ Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ ΒΆΒ½ Γ ΒΆΕ“Γ Β·Ε‘ Γ ΒΆβ€‘Γ Β·β€žΓ Β·ΒΓ ΒΆΒ§ ࢯැà¢őà·Šà¢ő Γ ΒΆΕ“Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ Β·Ε‘ ࢸිࢱිස්සු විࢭࢻࢺි à¢‑විࢽ්ࢽ ࢭිࢺà·ℒࢱ්ࢱà·ℒ Γ ΒΆΒΈΓ ΒΆΒ½ Γ ΒΆΕ“Γ Β·β„’Γ ΒΆΒ―Γ ΒΆΒ». à¢‑ࢺි ࢴࢱිවිࢩà·ő à¢őිࢺࢱ à¢őවුࢻුවࢭ් විශ්වාස à¢őࢻࢽ Γ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·β€˜. ࢢොࢻුවà¢őà·Š à¢őිࢺࢽ Γ Β·β€žΓ Β·β€™Γ ΒΆΒ­Γ ΒΆΒ½ ࢭිࢺà·ℒࢱ්ࢱà·ℒ. ࢔ࢺ ව࢜à·ő Γ ΒΆΒΆΓ Β·β€žΓ Β·β€Γ ΒΆΒΆΓ Β·β€“Γ ΒΆΒ­ ࢯවස් ࢭව ࢭිࢺà·ℒࢱවࢱà·ℒ.. වැࢽࢱ්ࢧࢺිࢱ්, Γ Β·β€žΓ Β·ΒΓ ΒΆΒ½Γ Β·Ε“Γ Β·β‚¬Γ Β·β€œΓ ΒΆΒ±Γ Β·Ε  ව࢜à·ő. à¢‒à·€ ࢉࢭිࢱ් ࢱවࢭ්වࢱ්ࢱ Γ ΒΆΒΆΓ Β·β€˜. ࢅࢱු࢜ࢭ à·€à·ℒࢱව ࢸිසà¢őà·Š. 0 likes

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